Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva

UEG: la ricerca si aggrega
Data di pubblicazione: 27/05/2020
UEG sta implementando un centralino UEG Research su COVID-19 per favorire connessioni e reti tra ricercatori che pianificano o prendono parte a progetti relativi a Digestive Health e COVID-19. Di seguito l’informativa con tutti i dettagli utili.

Dear all,
We are implementing a UEG Research switchboard on COVID-19 to foster new connections and networking between researchers planning or taking part in projects related to Digestive Health and COVID-19. It is essential to gather European researchers in digestive health, and to establish new ways of transnational collaboration. This is also the occasion to inform you about the second round of Horizon 2020 calls on COVID-19 published last week by the European Commission : a summary of the five topics is available here.
Aim of the UEG Research switchboard:
- Researchers can register and advertise their studies to recruit centres and participants.
- All interested scientists/physicians can get in touch with the Principal Investigators and get involved in the study.

If you are looking for partners to collaborate, please give us details on your study and your contact by completing the UEG Research switchboard form on COVID-19 by filling the form. This will allow to advertise your study on COVID-19 and recruit centres and participants. The study and contact details will be available on the Switchboard page so that colleagues can get in touch with you.
If you want to join a project or find new partners, check regularly the Research switchboard on COVID-19 webpage.

The database will be updated weekly.

Help us to communicate it on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, tagging us @my_ueg and using the hashtag #UEGResearch!

Fill the form
Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva
Corso di Francia, 197 - 00191 Roma
Tel: 06 363 81188 Fax: 06 363 87434
Partita Iva: 05647261006
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