Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva

UEG Basic Science Course “Epithelial ion transport in the GI tract” (July 4-6, 2019 in Pécs, Hungary)
Data di pubblicazione: 02/04/2019
Cari Soci,
riceviamo da UEG e diffondiamo questa informativa:

Dear EduComm Members,
I am writing to make you aware of the upcoming Basic Science Course deadline. There are still some days left to apply and we kindly ask you to make your students/trainees/colleagues aware of this great opportunity
The course will take place from July 4-6, 2019 in Pécs, Hungary. The topic of this year’s course is “Epithelial ion transport in the GI tract” and it is targeted at:
  • Clinicians and basic researchers with a special interest of epithelial ion and fluid transport.
  • Under and postgraduate fellows wanting to learn basic knowledge in epithelial transports.
  • ≤ 5 years research experience in the field.
  • Age 40 and below
Selected applicants receive:
  • Free course registration incl. course material
  • 2 nights of accommodation (single room)
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses up to € 350 per participant after the event
  • 2 dinners with participants and faculty
  • Lunches and coffee breaks throughout the course
Further details about the course, including the detailed programme and online application form can be found here:
Applications are received until April 5.
Società Italiana di Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva
Corso di Francia, 197 - 00191 Roma
Tel: 06 363 81188 Fax: 06 363 87434
Partita Iva: 05647261006
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