Dal 5 al 7 settembre a Lisbona si svolgerà NeuroGastro 2019: “Comprendere in modo avanzato e trattare la neurogastroenterologia e la mobilità”.
Gli Abstract vano presentati entro il 15 aprile ed entro il 27 maggio sarà possibile effettuare il pagamento con una quota agevolata.
Di seguito l’informativa completa e i link per scaricare il programma (
segue lettera in inglese che trovate sotto).
NeuroGASTRO 2019 ,
September 5-7, 2019, Lisbon, PortugalThe program stands under the motto of “Advancing understanding and management in neurogastroenterology and motility”. This allows both clinicians and researchers alike to present, discuss and learn a wide array of topics including, but not limited to, the diagnosis, evaluation and management of sensorimotor dysfunction and functional GI disorders.
Our program will also include, as did previous editions, sessions and symposia on gut microbiota, gut-brain axis, nutrition and nutrition-associated conditions: e.g. eosinophilic esophagitis and celiac-related symptoms, as well as current and future diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
Abstract submission is open until April 15, applications for travel scholarships via the abstract submission are very welcome.
Your and your society members participation is vital to make this congress the most attractive ESNM conference thus far. Do not lose any time and
register until May 27 to receive the early bird fee. We look forward welcoming you in Lisbon.